As you become a more seasoned and mature dancer, it’s only natural that you want more coverage over your skin.
Or you’ve got a more conservative audience that may appreciate more coverage for dancers.
Or you simply feel more comfortable with more coverage. Many of us do.
So a beautiful, well-fitting one-piece belly dance dress is a must-have in your belly dance wardrobe.
But belly dance dresses don’t come in many sizes, and they often cost a fortune.
So I created an online course, Hourglass Belly Dance Dress Premium Course, where I take people through my dress making method step by step, so they can avoid mistakes and create a gorgeous dress that lets them have more coverage, comfort and style!
And using my method, so many dancers have created gorgeous dresses that fit their size and personality, which I’m so proud of
So today I’d like to showcase some of my students’ creations! I’m sure you’ll get inspired and find great belly dance dress design ideas!
Hourglass Belly Dance Dress Design Showcase!
First off, this is Sandra who created this perfectly-fitting Hourglass dress!

Can you believe she calls herself a novice at making costumes!? It’s gorgeous, and I love the fit!
Sandra says,
“With your impeccable instructions, I completed this dress! So thrilled with it. …Very comfy. I can’t believe I made it. …How you design and pattern make and convey this info is amazing. You are brilliant. For a total novice to pull this off…thank you Mao!”
Next, this is Deborah’s beautiful Hourglass dress in pink and black:

Look at the number of likes this photo has earned! I love how the matching shrug looks with the adorable Hourglass dress! (The shrug instruction is included in the course as well )
As you may have noticed, Deborah’s dress has more coverage around the midriff than Sandra’s. That’s because this course shows you how to make 2 belly dance dress design options! Which style do you like?
Third & fourth ones are wonderfully made by Kashi and her dance partner!

Kashi (right in above photo) and her dancer partner (left) each picked their favourite colours and made matching dresses together!
I love that they decorated the dresses a little differently to suit their styles. And their smiles are priceless!
And last but not least…. this is Denise’s gorgeous Hourglass dress:

This one is so precious to me, because Denise shared with me all the challenges and successes throughout her creation process. Like Sandra, Denise wasn’t an experienced seamstress when she started…. but in the end, she pulled it off! Look at the perfect fit and lovely beadwork!!!
Here’s what Denise said:
“I finished my cabaret dress! I posted pictures of it on the Sparkly Belly FB page, and got lots of positive feedback.
…I learned so much doing it. I really did not know anything about sewing in a zipper, etc. I had done harem pants and circle skirts based on your tutorials, but never anything that was actually constructed, like this dress!”
Hope you enjoyed seeing these Hourglass Belly Dance Dresses and sparked ideas for your next projects!
I’m so proud of all these gorgeous creations, and I absolutely LOVE that each dress is fitting each dancer really well and each dancer decorated her dress to suit her style!
Big thanks to Sandra, Deborah, Kashi and her dance partner, and Denise for sharing their creativity and inspiring us!
Do you want to make your own?
Check out the Hourglass Belly Dance Dress Premium Course from here!
Hourglass Belly Dance Dress Premium Course
As mentioned earlier, you’ll learn to make 2 styles in this course, and each one will be customized to perfectly fit YOUR unique curves

Check out how to make these dresses!
Thanks for reading, and keep sparkling!
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