As a belly dancer, you can’t have enough hip scarves. They are great for practice and of course for easy costuming!
So today I want to go back to basics and create this cute and simple fringe hip scarf. Let’s get started! 😀
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To make DIY fringe hip scarf, you need:
1yd (1m) light to medium weight fabric – I’m using some leftover fabric, and I actually don’t even have 1yd here. But I’ll show you how you can make a hip scarf out of leftover fabric like this. Also, this is stretch fabric which makes this project even easier. You’ll see it in a minute.
2yd (2m) of fringe of your choice – I’m using 4in wide fringe.
2yd (2m) of about ⅜ in (1cm) wide ribbon
DIY Fringe Hip Scarf for belly dance
First, wrap your fabric around your hips and see how much fabric you need. This is how you can check if you have enough fabric if you are using leftover fabric. If the corners of your fabric touch, that’s the minimum amount you need. I can wrap this fabric around my hips and have an about 4in (10cm) overlap, which is just enough. If you have more, simply mark how much you need.

Place your fabric on a flat surface and have the top edge up. Fold it in half, or up to the point you marked.
From 1in (2.5cm) down from the corner, measure 45 degrees and extend the line until it meets the folded edge, and cut along the line.

If you don’t have a ruler like this, you can simply fold a corner of a paper to make a 45 degree angle.

Now what’s great about using stretch fabric is that it doesn’t fray. So you can leave all edges unfinished, which makes this project really easy. I wanted a little more finished edge at the top, so folded the top 1/2in (1cm) from the edge, and did a zigzag stitch. And I left other edges unfinished.

Then cut your ribbon in half, and fold all ends twice and sew or glue so they don’t fray.

Take one of them, place an end at the corner on the scarf right sides together, and do a straight stitch, and a top stitch to keep the ribbon in place. Or if you want to avoid sewing, you can glue on the ribbon to the corners of the scarf.

Repeat for the other side.
Now place your fringe around the edges, and do a zigzag stitch to sew it on. Again, you can glue this too, but after gluing, the fabric won’t stretch anymore, so just be mindful of that.

And that’s it! It’s super cute, and the scarf is wrapped around so it will fit different sizes. It’s an easy costuming piece for troupes, so mix and match colours and designs and have fun!

And next week, I’ll show you how to make this gorgeous 25-yard tiered skirt which goes perfectly with this hip scarf for a gypsy or ATS style of belly dancing. I’m super excited about this skirt. So sign up for my newsletter and stay tuned!

Hope you liked this DIY fringe hip scarf, and if you did, please share this post with your dancer friends!
And if you want to make more belly dance costumes like an easy top and a circle skirt, sign up for my free email course, Belly Dance Costume Making 101 from the link below.
Click here to sign up for the free course and start making more belly dance costumes!
Thanks for reading, and keep sparkling! 😀
P.S. Pin this image for your future project! 😉

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