Last week I announced that the enrolment to my online Belly Dance Costume Workshop (BDCW) is opening on May 22, 2016.
I’ve been receiving messages and questions from excited dancers 🙂 If you have questions about the workshop, feel free to email me at mao@sparklybelly.com. I’m happy to answer your questions, and it’s great to know what you are wondering and how I can help you achieve your goals.
But before you open up your email, have a look at the video below. 😀
I’m very excited about this video. To answer some of your questions, I’ve created an explainer video showing you what you get inside the BDCW. You’ll see what each module is about, what kind of lessons you get, and what you will learn to create. Have a look! 🙂
Sign up here to make sure you get notified when the BDCW comes out!
Again, any questions – please email me at mao@sparklybelly.com. 🙂
Quick Reminder
I also announced the Sparkly Belly scholarship last week, and the scholarship winner will get the entrance to the full workshop.
If you are curious, we are still accepting applications. See here for details.
Thanks for reading, and keep sparkling! 😀