Make Along: Pumpkin Vine Rhinestone Applique

Make along pumpkin vine rhinestone applique


Today is the day! 😀


I’m thrilled to announce the brand new Vine Collection of DIY Applique Kits is finally available at the shop!


Some of you requested applique kits that don’t require sewing…. and I listened!


The Vine Collection can be made just by gluing. No sewing required! So it’s super beginner-friendly 😀


And the elegant designs will satisfy the fashion craving of advanced costume designers as well!


During this Vine Collection launch weekend, we’re offering FREE SHIPPING on every order, so take advantage of that 😉 Here’s the link to the shop:


In this post, you’ll see how one of the new designs, Pumpkin, is made, so read on and get inspired!


DIY Pumpkin Vine Rhinestone Applique


When you open the applique kit, you get 2 applique bases like this one:


Applique base


Also, you get bags of rhinestones and pearls 🙂


Have your own rhinestone glue ready like Gemtac (this one), and start gluing on stones like this ↓↓


Step 1. Apply large round stones as shown.


Rhinestone applique making


Tip: The stones will stay on longer if you secure these stones by sewing them with a needle and matching color thread 🙂


Step 2. From the large round stone, apply 8 ss20 rhinestones along the outer edge of the felt base.


Glue on rhinestones on rhinestone applique kit


Then apply 5 ss30 rhinestones along the outer edge of the felt base.


DIY rhinestone applique kit


Continue to fill with ss20 rhinestones along the outer edge of the felt base up to the same height as the round stone.


DIY rhinestone applique kit


Step 3. From there, apply 8 ss30 rhinestones along the outer edge of the felt base.


Glue on rhinestones on pumpkin applique base


Fill the rest with ss20 rhinestones along the outer edge of the felt base up to the bottom of the first “branch”.


Rhinestone applique


Step 4. In the section in the photo below, apply rhinestones along the center of the felt base from the tip like this:


1 ss20 rhinestones

3 ss30 rhinestones

Fill the rest with ss20 rhinestones (and this line of rhinestones meets the last stone from Step 3.)


Rhinestone applique making


Step 5. In the section in the right photo, apply ss20 rhinestones along the center of the felt base from the tip up to the top of the arch.


Then continue to fill with ss20 rhinestones along the outer edge of the felt base.


DIY applique kit with rhinestones


Step 6. Once you reach the main “stem” of the felt base, continue filling with ss20 rhinestones along the outer edge of the felt base up to the top of the arch.


Sparkly Belly DIY Applique Kit rhinestones


Then apply 7 ss30 rhinestones along the outer edge.


rhinestone applique making pumpkin


Continue filling with ss20 rhinestones along the outer edge up to the bottom of the arch.

And fill the rest with ss20 rhinestones along the center of the felt base.


swirly rhinestone applique DIY


Step 7. Finally apply pearl rhinestones along the inner edge of the felt base to fill the rest of the base like this:


Adding pearls to rhinestone applique

Fill areas with pearl rhinestones

DIY applique kit rhinestones by sparkly belly


And your Pumpkin Vine Applique is complete! Leave it for 24 hours for glue to dry.


It takes less than 1 hour to make one of these appliques 🙂


The felt bases can be used on either side, so make 2 of the same sides or 1 right and 1 left – whichever you like! Here are a few ways you can arrange these appliques:


DIY pumpkin vine rhinestone appliques arrangement sample

DIY pumpkin vine rhinestone appliques arrangement sample 3


DIY applique kit belly dance ballroomrhinestone appliques DIY belly dance wedding ballroomDIY applique making sparkly belly



applique arrangement sample wedding dress


The appliques could be made into an armband and a leg accessory….or used to decorate not only belly dance costumes but wedding dresses! 😀


Again, this applique kit is available NOW at Sparkly Belly shop!


As I mentioned earlier, we’re offering FREE SHIPPING on every order during this weekend only 😉


Have a look at the other Vine Collection designs as well!


Thanks for reading, and keep sparkling 🙂


P.S. Pin this image for your costume idea board 😉

Pumpkin Vine DIY Rhinestone Applique Kit

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