Circle skirts are some of the most versatile skirt choices for us belly dancers 🙂
But there’s one little problem.

They come with elastic waistbands. If the waistband is too tight, it will create muffin top. If it’s too loose, the skirt moves around up and down, side to side.
But our bodies go through size changes all the time…are we supposed to tighten/loosen the elastic waistband each time?
Well, let me show you a MUCH simpler trick you can try on your favorite circle skirt today! Let’s get started!
Click here if you want to make circle skirts with side drapes (like one in the video)!
To make an adjustable waistband, you’ll need:
Elastic for your waistband – My elastic is already inside of the waistband, but you can do what I’m about to show you before you insert it into your skirt. It’s up to you.
Button – this should be a flat button without a shank, and smaller than the width of your elastic.
Button thread – I’m using button thread for attaching the button since it’s thick and strong.

Make an Adjustable Waistband with DIY Buttonhole Elastic!
First, cut your elastic longer than your waist measurement. I added about extra 15cm (6in) but you can add more if you like.

Fold the ends of the elastic about 1cm (3/8in) from the edge towards the wrong side or the bottom side when you lay the elastic flat against the waistband, and do a zigzag stitch. This way the ends won’t fray and they’re easier to grab.

Then on one end, sew on a button.

On the other end, draw lines for buttonholes. I marked 4 buttonholes, 5cm (2in) apart from each other. Each hole should be about the size of your button. The holes will stretch too, so don’t make them too long.

Take it to your sewing machine, and if your machine has a buttonhole foot and stitch option like this, it’s a piece of cake. If not, you can simply do a zigzag stitch around each line. Use a narrow zigzag stitch with short stitch length.

Then take your seam ripper and open up each buttonhole along the line. Place a pin at the end of the hole, so you don’t go passed that point. Repeat this for all your buttonholes.

And now your adjustable waistband is ready! Keep the ends closed at all times so you won’t lose the ends. Put on your skirt, and find the buttonhole for the best fit. Smooth out the elastic and the waistband and now your skirt fits you perfectly!

It takes 15 minutes to do this, and I love that I can adjust the fit of my waistband! It’s great for troupe costumes that can be worn by dancers of different sizes or skirts that you want to sell so your buyer won’t have to fuss with the waistbands!

And if you’re curious about making this circle skirt with side drapes, I have good news.
It’s going to be part of my brand new course on Advanced Circle Skirts, and I’m really excited about it! I’m doing a pre-sale for the course this weekend only! Learn more about it here!
If you’re getting bored with plain circle skirts and want to incorporate professional design features, be sure to check it out 😉

I hope you liked this adjustable waistband trick, and if you did, please share this tutorial with your dancer friends! They will appreciate it!
And I have really fun tutorials planned for the coming weeks (I can’t wait to share them with you!!), so sign up for my newsletter so you won’t miss them!
Click here to sign up! (+ get access to my free course Belly Dance Costume Making 101!)
Thanks for reading, and keep sparkling!
P.S. Pin this image for your future reference 😉

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