Tag: belly dance costume

11 Do’s and Don’ts of Sewing Sequin Fabric!

Sequin dresses are breathtaking, but sewing sequin fabric can be very challenging! I recently had a lot of fun creating a very sparkly belly dance dress. Along the way I learned a dozen tips, tricks, and lessons for sewing sequin dresses, so let me share my notes with you, so you can avoid mistakes and make pretty and sparkly dresses… Read more →

Close up of a beaded belly chain

DIY Beaded Belly Chain for Belly Dance

I wanted a quick but beautiful accessory to wear with my newest belly dance dress! Today you’re going to see how I made this pretty beaded belly chain. It’s an easy, relaxing project with an awesome result! Let’s get started!  Click here to learn how to make the dresses I’m wearing! How to Make Beaded Belly Chain for Belly Dance… Read more →

Bellydance Troupe Costumes that Everyone is Happy with – by Rukshana

Struggling with your bellydance troupe costume options? Different sizes and preferences, amount of work, limited budget… Putting together professional troupe costumes is challenging! Rukshana (also known as Gail), a professional costumer and a member of cARTel bellydance, has shared with me her secrets to making troupe costumes that look amazing and most importantly, everyone is happy with! And she has… Read more →

How to Line a Bra Top with Chani Pt 1 – Relining a Bra

Let’s talk about How to Line a Bra Top! You’ve made your bra, decorated it, and now all you need to do is line the bra top so you can protect all the hard work you put into creating it 🙂 But belly dance bra tops have a lot of curves, and ill-fitting lining can shrink or deform the bra.… Read more →

DIY Built-in Ruched Skirt (Yoga Pants with Skirt)

Last week you saw how I made a lace halter top for dance practice. This week, continuing the practice wear theme, I’ll be making this cute ruched skirt that is built into my flare pants! The built-in skirt is comfy and doesn’t shift or fall, and these yoga pants with a skirt are perfect for dance lessons or even daily… Read more →