Tag: bellydancing bra

How to Alter a Beaded 90s Belly Dance Bra & Belt with Chani Pt 3

Do you have a bra and belt that need new lining? In this post, Chani, our alteration expert, will complete her 90s costume refurbishment project and show you how she added fringe, then lining to the bra and belt for a very professional finish. Enjoy! Phew! We have covered a lot of ground on this project: from simply figuring out… Read more →

How to Alter a Beaded 90s Belly Dance Bra with Chani Pt 1

Do you have a beaded bra that needs an upgrade? But not sure where to start? Altering a heavily decorated bra can be overwhelming and intimidating. But in this post, Chani, our alteration expert, will show you how she approached this refurbishment project on a bra covered with beads and stones. Enjoy 🙂 This, from the start, was the most… Read more →

Sparkly Belly Student Showcase 2021

The best part of my job is seeing my students’ creations 🙂 It’s quite magical when costumers combine what they learned in my courses and their creativity, and create their very own belly dance costumes. I often learn from them too! Let me show you what I mean. Here are 9 of my students and their beautiful creations! Sparkly Belly… Read more →

Chani's turquoise costume

How to Alter a Beaded Belly Dance Bra with Chani

Looking for ideas on how to alter a beaded belly dance bra? Have a vintage costume that needs an upgrade? In this post, Chani, our alteration expert, will show you how to alter a beaded belly dance bra top seamlessly and make it fit you! Enjoy 🙂 This is a vintage costume I bought on-line many, many years ago. The… Read more →

Belly Dance Costume Workshop Student Showcase 2021

If you’ve made a costume before, you know every costume has a story. Where the fabric came from, what the inspiration was, how the design transformed in the creation process…. But most often we don’t get to hear these stories. I’m ALWAYS amazed by how my students take what they learned, add their own inspirations and personalities, and create costumes… Read more →