Tag: costumes

Bellydance Troupe Costumes that Everyone is Happy with – by Rukshana

Struggling with your bellydance troupe costume options? Different sizes and preferences, amount of work, limited budget… Putting together professional troupe costumes is challenging! Rukshana (also known as Gail), a professional costumer and a member of cARTel bellydance, has shared with me her secrets to making troupe costumes that look amazing and most importantly, everyone is happy with! And she has… Read more →

Sparkly Belly Student Showcase 2021

The best part of my job is seeing my students’ creations 🙂 It’s quite magical when costumers combine what they learned in my courses and their creativity, and create their very own belly dance costumes. I often learn from them too! Let me show you what I mean. Here are 9 of my students and their beautiful creations! Sparkly Belly… Read more →

Meet Chani! – Costume Alteration Expert

Got some costumes you inherited from your teacher that don’t fit quite well?  Love vintage costumes but need help with altering them? Today I’m super excited to introduce to you a belly dance costume alteration expert, Chani!  As you’ll see in this post, she is excellent at taking an old costume and putting new life into it. And her work… Read more →

DIY Sparkly Belly Dance / Ballroom Bracelet

I shared the sparkly necklace DIY perfect for belly dancers and ballroom dancers with you last month, and so many of you came to my site and downloaded the free pattern! And some of you requested a bracelet to go with it, which is an awesome idea! So in this tutorial, let me show you how I made this beautiful,… Read more →