The Bellydance Bundle 2018 Review!

The Bellydance Bundle Review

It’s finally here! ๐Ÿ˜€


The Bellydance Bundle is going on sale TOMORROW, Oct 4 at 8am EST (5am PST)!ย 


(Check out the sale on this page!)


I know some of you have been following all the Bellydance Bundle events like #21daysofbellydance challenge, and ready to join! ๐Ÿ™‚


But some of you may not be so sure yet.ย ๐Ÿค”


Being one of this year’s contributors, I just got an early access to this year’s Bundle. So in this post, I’ll share with you how this year’s Bundle looks on the inside and some of the courses in it! ๐Ÿ™‚


How does the Bellydance Bundle look on the inside?


What I LOVE about this year’s Bellydance Bundle is the redeeming process.


Last year it was a bit cumbersome and hard to keep track of which courses you redeemed and which ones you haven’t.


But this year, they heard you, and they set up a NEW redemption system that looks like this:


1. Once you join the Bellydance Bundle, you get access to a page like this.


Inside bellydance bundle



2. Click on the down arrow under a course name, and you see more information and how to redeem it.


Inside bellydance bundle course redemption



3. Once you redeem the course, click the “Item Redeemed” button, so you can keep track!


Inside bellydance bundle course redeemed


It’s well organized, so you won’t miss a thing! ๐Ÿ™‚


This year’s Bellydance Bundle includes 27 online products, which is more than last year!


The lineup is really amazing (if you haven’t seen yet, you can see all 27 products here!) ๐Ÿ˜€


But you really never know if you’ll like the courses until you see them.


So I picked out 5 products from this year’s Bundle and gave each one a quick review for you to get a little taste! ๐Ÿ™‚


5 Products (out of 27!) from the Bellydance Bundle 2018


Shahrzad1. Signature Techniques and Choreography by

Shahrzad (Value: $60)


I’ve always admired Shahrzad and her gorgeous costumes, but I’ve never had a chance to study with her.


So I was excited to see her in this year’s Bundle!


This package is quite amazing, because you get to pick up to 4 courses out of 10 ๐Ÿ˜€


For this review, I checked out Drum Solo Part 2: Choreography.


It’s a really fun and exciting drum solo choreography with lots of rhythm changes!! I really love the combinations she introduces in it, and she explains each movement step by step.


Shahrzad drum solo course


As you can see, there’s a dumbek player that accompanies her class. This is very helpful, because Shahrzad shows how each combination works with the sound of dumbek right after each combination is explained (as opposed to showing several combos in one go!) ๐Ÿ™‚


I really can’t wait to practice through this one and try out other courses! ๐Ÿ˜€


2. The Premium Improvisation Toolkit Bundle by Nadira Jamal (Value: $60)


I must admit, improvisation is an area that I’d really like to improve on.


But it’s also an area that is hard to work on, mainly because there aren’t many concrete instructions or methods out there.


For those of us to whom improvisation doesn’t come natural, Nadira’s improvisation toolkit is a perfect option!


Right from the beginning, she gives you exercises to shut up your inner critic and make a decision on what to do next. Oh how many times did I wish my inner critic would shut up!


Nadira improvisation


I particularly liked the “safety moves” section where she explains different moves you can fall back on so you’ll never get stuck during improvisation! Nadira’s course is very well organized, and content is so clearly explained. ๐Ÿ™‚


3. Turkish Romani Dance Technique byย Iana Komarnytska (Value: $45)


I LOVE Turkish Romani style. Whenever I see a Turkish Romani dancer in a show program, I really look forward to seeing it… because it’s a treat!


But even if I wanted to try the style, finding a teacher that can teach the style is very difficult.


In this awesome course by lovely Iana Komarnytska, you can have a taste of Turkish Romani style! She starts out with how to count those tricky 9/8 rhythms, and even after just the first lesson, you really get the posture and movement that are so distinctively Turkish Romani.


Iana Turkish Romani


And in lesson 5, you get those really fun arm gestures that also characterize the dance style!


I feel this course is perfect for getting a taste of Turkish Romani dance style ๐Ÿ˜€



4. Journey Through Egypt Fundamentals by Sahra Saeeda (Value: $100)


We tend to focus a lot on techniques and drills, but how about history and culture which created the dance we enjoy today? ๐Ÿ™‚


First, WOW. This program contains an incredible amount of information about different regions of Egypt, different styles, specific people who dance those styles etc.


Each lecture is packed with information that you can’t easily find on the internet!!


For example, I watched her lecture on Zeffah. She shared stories about how a girl would be presented as a new bride, what the marriage procession would look like, what kind of entertainers they would have in the procession…. and different types of Zeffah. And how people would tell apart different Zeffah. And how Zeffah changed over the years.


As you can see I learned a lot in just 6 minutes of her lecture that I’ve watched on this topic!


Sahra Journey through Egypt


I really enjoy Sahra’s extensive experience, colourful stories and really likable personality ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m going to come back to this course for sure and watch through all her lectures!


And finally, last but not least….


applique making for belly dance costumes premium course5. Applique Making for Belly Dance Costumes Premium Course by Mao Murakami

(Value: $50)


Okay, so this is my own product, and itโ€™s not fair for me to give it a review.


BUT this one is very special, because I’m launching this course for the first time!


Learn everything you need to know about making beaded appliques, and create beautiful appliques to show off on your costumes at the next show!


In this premium course, you will:

  • Get many applique design ideas (including quick ones for those last minute costumes!)
  • Learn professional-looking beading techniques
  • Know exactly how many beads to buy and where to buy them!
  • Make at least these 4 designs and of course your own!

Beaded Applique Making


Master high end applique making without spending high end price. Everything is explained step by step. Open to beginners! ๐Ÿ™‚


You’ll also get BONUS preview package of my flagship program, the Belly Dance Costume Workshop ๐Ÿ™‚


If you’ve wanted to learn how to embellish your costumes and make them look professional & expensive, be sure to check it out in the Bellydance Bundle!


I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at this year’s Bellydance Bundle! ๐Ÿ™‚


There are so many other amazing courses included in this year’s Bellydance Bundle, and it’s worth over $1000 USD in total – and you get over 80% discount!


So be sure to make a good decision before it’s gone ๐Ÿ˜‰


It’ll be available for 7 days only, from October 4 at 8am EST to October 10.


Click here to join the Bellydance Bundle!


Thanks for reading, and keep sparkling! ๐Ÿ™‚


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